Ulhasnagar, Thane
Real Estate Overview of Ulhasnagar, Thane
Price Trends and Rates:
In Ulhasnagar, Thane, you'll find a wide variety of prices for properties. Starting around Rs. 2,769 per square foot, with averages around Rs. 5,757 per square foot. Some reports suggest the average flat prices can be as high as Rs. 9,300 per square foot. These prices cover different budget levels.
Year-over-Year (YoY) Growth:
Ulhasnagar property rates moved down over the past year, with a 5.33% to 5.67% decrease. But in the long run, there has been more growth: a 35.4% increase in the past five years, and a 76% rise over the last decade.
Property Types and Configurations:
Localities here provide a mix of apartments, independent houses, and builder floors. Apartments vary from 1 BHK to 4 BHK, with prices set accordingly. For example, a 1 BHK flat can range between ₹21.9 lakhs and ₹53.55 lakhs. A 2 BHK flat's price might range from ₹35 lakhs to ₹70 lakhs.
Popular Localities and Projects:
Areas like Ramayan Nagar, Shahad, and Khemani Industry Area are key in Ulhasnagar for property rates and trends. Projects like Regency Antilia Phase V Avana, Kohinoor Prime, KGI Kohinoor Gardens, and Atlanta Crown are hot spots because of their great locations and amenities.
Amenities and Infrastructure:
Ulhasnagar is well-connected with nearby schools, hospitals, and shopping centers. Projects like Birla Vanya offer green spaces and modern amenities, boosting residents' quality of life.
Rental Market:
There are plenty of rental options in Ulhasnagar, including fully furnished, semi-furnished, and unfurnished flats. You'll find everything from 2 BHK to 3 BHK flats, meeting different budgets and needs.
PropertyWala's Insight
Looking at buying or renting a property in Ulhasnagar, Thane? It's important to look at the current market trends and what's in store for long-term. You'll find options from budget-friendly to luxury, perfect for different investors and buyers. Though property rates dipped recently, historical data shows strong appreciation making it good for long-term investments. The area's connectivity and amenities also make it a great pick for living or investing.
Fastest growing suburbs in Thane. Affordable flats with all amenities near by vicinities. Kalyan airport and metro would make this sector a reality boom in the coming years.
- Best investment option.
- Busiest city
Ulhasnagar is hub of jeans manufacturing
Lots of temples and one ancient shiv temple also
Mix community live here mostly sindhi communityPros
- Good source to sell property
Ulhasnagar is a major business hub in Thane. Good purchasing parity of people makes this city wealthy. It is well known city to provide cheap products because of a competitive market.
- Major business hub
- Crowded just like any other city
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Price Trends
- Locality ID
- A811120455
- PinCode
- 421002