Residential Plot / Land for sale in Machilipatnam, Krishna

27 lakhs
Residential plot for sale in Krishna

Residential plot for sale in Krishna

FORTUNE PRIME TOWN, Machilipatnam, Krishna - 521001 (Andhra Pradesh)

  • Area: 183 SqYards
  • Facing: North East
  • Transaction: New Property
  • Price: 2,700,000
  • Rate: 14,754 per SqYard +45%
  • Possession: Immediate/Ready to move


Residential plot for sale in Krishna

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* Location may be approximate

Price Trends Machilipatnam, Krishna

Residential Plots / Lands for sale in Machilipatnam, Krishna

This property is priced approximately 45% over the average for an Residential Plots / Lands for sale in Machilipatnam, Krishna (Rs.9966/SqYards)
* Disclaimer: Data may be approximate.

Locality Reviews Machilipatnam, Krishna

Machilipatnam town is very conservation and not a good place to invest bucks in lands. Since decades rural/unban areas of town facing sanitary/water/power cut problems. Over a past decade public is believing the sea port will change the economic growth of town but actual fact is it is not a suitable place to construct a sea port & sea bed is horizontal and don't have proper channel for ship docks it needs huge dredging process.

  • Not suitable place for sea port
  • Sanitary/water/power cut problems
  • Imp but not least public is very conservative in thoughts.
Posted: by

Machilipatnam is capital of Krishna district and very fast developing town in Andhra Pradesh. The atmosphere is very good and sea is also available within 13 km distance.

  • Good place to stay
  • Good weather
Posted: by
Machilipatnam, Krishna is rated 4 out of 10 based on 2 user reviews.
Disclaimer: The reviews are opinions of members, and not of