Shakti Nagar, New Delhi

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Shakti Nagar, New Delhi News

  • Delhi faces long power cuts as UP grid catches fire
    - Various parts of central, east and southeast parts of the city were left sweating it out in the peak summer season following a power outage in the afternoon that continued for nearly two hours. The affected areas included those housing the Delhi L-G secretariat and the CM’s residence. more
  • Water scarcity in Derabassi, MC approves more tubewells
    - Derabassi municipal council approves installation of new tubewells in various areas to address water scarcity. Heated discussions and altercations during the meeting. Resolution also passed for infrastructure improvements in the city. more

Price Trends in Shakti Nagar, New Delhi

Projects in Shakti Nagar

Properties for Sale in Shakti Nagar

Shopping Mall Space for sale in Karol Bagh, New Delhi

30 - 40 lacs
Shopping Mall Space for sale in Karol Bagh, New Delhi
  • 10000 SqFeet Shopping Mall Space
  • ID: P384104294 — Posted: by Rahul Kumar
  • Best Investment for This Diwali Book Your DDA Approved Unlockable Shops in Karol Bagh, Delhi 32 Lakh Onwards With 27 Years Lease Best Location Roi upto 84% in 9 Years Get Rental from 1st Month Immediate Registry No GST Free Hold Property High Appreciation Hurry up only few units available more details

Rental Properties in Shakti Nagar