Maa Bhoomi Telangana Land Records

The Maa Bhoomi website, launched by the Telangana Government, serves as a groundbreaking initiative aimed at digitizing land records across the state. Property owners can conveniently access these government records online through this site. The data available on the Maa Bhoomi portal includes essential details such as survey numbers, land extent, taxes, owner information, nature of the land, and crop details. Additionally, users can download Pahani documents for all lands in Telangana directly from the Maa Bhoomi platform.

Maa Bhoomi Telangana Services

  • Pahani Specifications
  • View Village Pahani Specifications
  • Record of Rights (ROR1-B) Specifications
  • Details of Village ROR1-B
  • Aadhar Card and Account Number
  • Submit complaints for land record corrections.

Understanding Adangal or Pahani

A Pahani, often referred to as Adangal, is an indispensable legal document regarding land. Issued by the Tahsildar, it provides critical information about the property.

  • Owner’s name, extent of the land, and Khatha number.
  • Complete Pahani domain.
  • Revenue generated from land.
  • Resources used for cultivation.
  • Classification of land type.
  • Land survey number and Hissa number.
  • Owner’s pathway to land ownership.
  • Rights held by the government or the public.
  • Owner’s responsibilities towards the property.
  • Soil classification details.

Steps to Apply for Pahani or Adangal

To obtain a copy of the latest Pahani, one must submit an application form to the nearest Meeseva center in Telangana. Download the application form here.
For older Pahani or Adangal copies, submit the request to the respective Tahsildar office using the previous application form. This manual process typically takes time; expect a wait of several days to weeks, based on the availability of revenue officials.

Time and Fees for Applying for Pahani

Obtaining a copy from a Meeseva Center is efficient, only requiring around 15 minutes, with a nominal fee of Rs. 35 per copy.

Online Access for Pahani or Adangal

Residents of Telangana can also check Pahani or Adangal documents online by following these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Maa Bhoomi website.
  2. Select Pahani from the menu bar and click on "Your Pahani" to view details.
  3. Input the Survey Number, Account Number, or Aadhar Number.
  4. Choose the District Name, Zone Name, and Village Name from the dropdown menus.
  5. Click the button to retrieve the data.
    The page will display vital land information, including the landholder and their father's name, Khata numbers, survey numbers, and Aadhar numbers. For printing the Pahani, simply select the print option from the sidebar.

Viewing Village Pahani

  1. Navigate to the Maa Bhoomi website.
  2. Click on Pahani from the menu bar, then on "Grama Pahani" for village details.
  3. Enter the district, zone, and village name as prompted, selecting from the dropdowns.
  4. Click on the blue button to show the village Pahani details.

Record of Rights (ROR 1B)

The ROR document signifies essential ownership details concerning a property. This document ranks among the most important for land-related records. Each village maintains an individual Record of Rights register, housed in the Tahsildar's office.
It comprises 14 columns, encompassing the Khatadar’s name or his father's name, Khata number, survey number, land type, and the revenue-associated area owned by the Khatadar.

Procedures to Apply for ROR 1B

Individuals can apply for ROR 1B at any nearby Meeseva center with an application and a service fee of Rs. 25. The process allows for obtaining ROR 1B within 15 minutes or it can stretch to 7 days.
Download the application form here.

Online ROR 1B Access

To check ROR 1B online via the Maa Bhoomi website, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the Maa Bhoomi website.
  2. Select 1B from the menu and click on "Your ROR 1B" for ROR details.
  3. Input your Survey Number, Account Number, or Adhaar Number.
  4. Select District Name, Zone Name, and Village Name from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the button to display the specifics of ROR.
    You will also have access to encumbrance and market value by clicking on the relevant button on this page.

Viewing ROR 1B Village Information

  1. Navigate to the Maa Bhoomi website.
  2. Select 1B from the options and click on "Grama ROR 1B" for village details.
  3. Fill in the necessary district name, zone, and village information.
  4. Click the blue button to see the ROR 1B data for the selected village.

Understanding Tippan of a Country

Tippan is a crucial survey document generated during field surveys and includes individual parcel-level field measurements for each boundary surveyed.

Accessing Tippan on Maa Bhoomi

  1. Select Tippan from the home page of Maa Bhoomi.
  2. Choose your District name, Zone name, and village name from the dropdown menus.
  3. Enter the survey code and click the blue button to access Tippan land information.