Advance Search Land Bihar

2020’s Bhumi Jankari in Bihar

Access the valuable services offered by Bihar Bhumi Jankari through the website Below are key services provided:

  1. Check MVR (Market Value Rate)
  2. View Registered Documents
  3. Conduct Advanced Land Document Searches
  4. Visit the Official Website
  5. Explore Bihar’s IGRS (Integrated Grit Registration System)

To assess the market value of properties such as homes, plots, or apartments, utilize the MVR tool, which delivers precise information for every district and village.

How Can I Find Bihar Government MVR Information Online?

  • Navigate to the Bihar government’s official site at Select your Registration office, circle name, Thana code, and land type, then click on the advance calculation after viewing MVR Details.
  • You can search for Registered Documents using the party name, village, survey number, and the serial number of the Registered Title Deed.

How to View a Bihar State Registered Document?

For a quick document search, choose the Registration Office and set the date range, using the Registered View Document feature. You will find two options:

  • Documents from Before Computers (1996-2006)
  • Documents After Computers (Since 2006)

Select the relevant option, input your details, and search for the Registered documents. To find documents related to a land parcel or an agreement, register the sale deed after computerization. Choose the registration office, relevant registration date, property location, and the serial number of the documents as listed by the SRO. Input the area measurement, Khata number, the plot number of the house or apartment, party name, and other relevant details, such as father’s or husband’s name, locality, circle, mauja, etc. The specific fields needed are shaped by diverse information needs. Copies of the Registered document can be obtained through a web copy link.

A duplicate of any government-issued document is guaranteed to be a true and accurate copy of the original.

How Can I Access Bhumi Jankari (Bihar Web Copy Documents) Online?

  • Access the web copy link, enter the serial number (Type Deed no.), select the Registration office and year, and click search for the web copy. Once the document is available, print it out.

  • The Bihar government has established the Registration Department, which utilizes various types of surveys and tracks information through the IGRS Bihar link.