Paltan Bazar, Guwahati

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Paltan Bazar, Guwahati News

  • Guwahati: Mobile phones, laptops on display at Police Commissioner’s office for rightful owners to claim
    - Guwahati. This initiative aims to reunite as many people as possible with their lost belongings. Majority of these items have been recovered under the jurisdiction of the city’s Paltan Bazar police station, under Panbazar police station, Latasil PS ... more
  • 10 popular weekend hangouts of Guwahati
    - Fancy Bazar One of the hangouts of Guwahati that has retained a timeless appeal is Fancy Bazar and perhaps there is no other area in Assam other than here to satiate your mood for indulging in retail therapy 1. more

Price Trends in Paltan Bazar, Guwahati

Projects in Paltan Bazar

Properties for Sale in Paltan Bazar

Rental Properties in Paltan Bazar

3 Bedroom Apartment / Flat for rent in Pub Sarania, Guwahati

3 Bedroom Apartment / Flat for rent in Pub Sarania, Guwahati
  • 850 SqFeet Apartment @ Rs.12/SqFeet
  • ID: P994844612 — Posted: by E Priya
  • 3 Rooms Apartment for rent in Pub-Sarania Guwahati
  • 3 Rooms Apartment for rent in Pub-Sarania Guwahati, with 1 Kitchen, 1 Bathroom, all attached. 1 car/bike parking available. Location is central, well accessible to Rajgarh, Chandmari and Ulubari area, close to Commerce College and Law College (about 0.5 km walking distance). Rent Rs. 10000 monthly.. more details