Sector-16, Gurgaon

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Sector-16, Gurgaon News

  • Southern Peripheral Road Emerging as the Heart of Gurugram Real Estate
    - The Southern Peripheral Road (SPR) in Gurugram is rapidly transforming into one of the most coveted real estate destinations in the National Capital Region (NCR). Spanning 16 kilometres, SPR has become the newest hotspot for both investors and homebuyers, more
  • Water scarcity in Gurgaon colonies as summer begins to peak
    - Residents in Gurgaon are facing a water crisis as summer intensifies, with limited water supply and low pressure. Complaints have been ignored, forcing residents to rely on expensive water tankers. GMDA and MCG urged to take action to improve the situation. more
  • Work on Gurugram Metro to start soon, says new GMRL MD
    - The ₹5,452 crore Gurugram Metro project, whose foundation stone was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 16, will extend ... to Cyber City, Gurgaon (26.65kms) connecting areas such as Subash Chowk, Hero Honda Chowk, sector 4/5, Palam Vihar ... more
  • Gurgaon seat sees dip in turnout from 2019; rural pockets lead in count
    - Among the nine assembly seats that make up the constituency, Bawal (SC) and Firozpur Jhirka recorded the highest provisional polling at 63% each more

Price Trends in Sector-16, Gurgaon

Office Spaces for sale in Sector-16, Gurgaon

* Disclaimer: Data may be approximate.

Shops for sale in Sector-16, Gurgaon

* Disclaimer: Data may be approximate.

Projects in Sector-16

Vatika One On One

Vatika One On One - Sector-16, Gurgaon

  • Built along ecology-conscious lines in natural stone and energy-efficient glass
  • Vatika One On One is presented by Vatika Group at Sector-16, Gurgaon offers commercial project that host commercial spaces with good features
  • Completion Status: Started (Completion Date: May, 2022)

Properties for Sale in Sector-16

Rental Properties in Sector-16