Lahargird, Jhansi

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Lahargird, Jhansi News

  • Jhansi constituency of Uttar Pradesh Lok Sabha Election 2024: Date of voting, result, candidates list, main parties, schedule
    - NEW DELHI: Jhansi Lok Sabha constituency, located in Uttar Pradesh, is one of the 80 parliamentary constituencies in the state. Classified as a General category seat, it includes parts of Jhansi ... more
  • Car hits man in UP while reversing, then moves forward and strikes him again
    - A gas agency operator in Uttar Pradesh's Jhansi was hit by a car while it was reversing. The vehicle drove over him first while reversing, dragging the man for a few feet before it moved forward and struck him again. Listen to Story Man hit by car while it ... more
  • Three villages under Jhansi Lok Sabha seat achieve rare feat, record 100 per cent turnout
    - LUCKNOW: Amid the hue and cry over the low voter turnout across the country, voters in at least three villages in Lalitpur district under the Jhansi Lok Sabha constituency in Uttar Pradesh ... more

Price Trends in Lahargird, Jhansi

Residential Plots / Lands for sale in Lahargird, Jhansi

* Disclaimer: Data may be approximate.
Also known as: Shree, Shree Royal City

Projects in Lahargird

Properties for Sale in Lahargird

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