Doctors Colony, Jaipur

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Doctors Colony, Jaipur News

  • Doctor at pvt hospital found dead in Jawahar Nagar house
    - A 38-year-old woman doctor working at a private hospital in Jaipur was found dead under mysterious circumstances at her residence in Jawahar Nagar. The police are investigating the incident ruling out ... more
  • Resident doctors’ strike hits services at hospitals
    - Jaipur: Healthcare services at hospitals attached to Sawai Man Singh (SMS) Medical College have been severely affected due to the ongoing strike by resident doctors. As the strike entered its ... more
  • Jaipur District Pin Code
    - The code is six digits long. You can find out the pin code of Jaipur district in Rajasthan right here. The first three digits of the PIN represent a specific geographical region called a sorting ... more
  • Rajasthan: Woman gives birth outside Jaipur hospital gate due to doctor negligence
    - The Rajasthan government on Thursday, April 4, suspended three resident doctors of a government hospital in Jaipur over negligence. The action came after a pregnant woman was denied admission into ... more
  • Sindhi Colony Pin Code
    - India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ... more
  • Do doctors have the right to refuse care? Why did Gujarat doctor say no to treating pregnant woman?
    - A Vadodara-based gynaecologist has sparked a debate after he declined to treat a pregnant patient in her 30s. He clarified that he did so because the patient refused essential tests while emphasising ... more
  • Rajasthan: Denied admission, woman delivers baby outside govt hospital in Jaipur; 3 doctors suspended
    - The Rajasthan government on Thursday suspended three resident doctors from a state-run hospital in Jaipur for refusing admission to a pregnant woman. The woman was forced to give birth near the ... more
  • Royal Enfield Bike Showrooms in Jaipur
    - Find the details of 13 Royal Enfield bike Showrooms & dealers nearest to your location in Jaipur and experience a hassle-free research. Kenith Motors LLP-Sethi Colony 08291048253 No B6 ... more

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